Minneapolis Council President Struggles to Explain Who Will Respond to Violent Crimes Without Police


Minneapolis City Council President Lisa Bender made several appearances on cable news programs Monday and was unable to articulate who would respond to violent crimes if her city’s police department is actually abolished.

During a Sunday event, nine members of Minneapolis’s 12-member council committed to defunding and abolishing the Minneapolis Police Department (MPD). With nine votes, the idea has a veto-proof majority and can move forward with or without the support of Mayor Jacob Frey, who favors reforms over full abolition.

According to a press release, the nine council members have committed themselves to “ending” the MPD and “creating a new transformative model.”

“We’ll be taking intermediate steps towards ending the MPD through the budget process and other policy and budget decisions over the coming weeks and months,” said the release, which called for a “police-free future.”

Bender was repeatedly asked Monday about who would respond to violent crimes if there were no police officers.

“Yes, I mean, I hear that loud and clear from a lot of my neighbors, and myself too, and I know that that comes from a place of privilege because for those of us for whom the system is working, I think we need to step back and imagine what it would feel like to already live in that reality where calling the police may mean more harm is done,” she said on CNN’s “New Day.”

She then joined Wolf Blitzer for an interview later in the day and was asked the same question, this time admitting that “we don’t have all the answers.”

“Look, it is our top priority to keep every single member of our community safe. If you look back at the last 150 years of our police department, it is becoming increasingly clear that that model of policing isn’t working. So we need to invite in our whole community. The nine members of our city council that came from every corner of our city to stand together to make this commitment – we don’t have all the answers. What we committed to was a community process to help reimagine public safety,” said Bender.

CNN anchor Chris Cuomo noted that the council’s actions have given President Donald Trump a great talking point in the middle of an election year.

“Politically, it’s playing like dynamite. You’ve got the president hitting every Democrat over the head with this suggestion and he can,” said Cuomo.

Bender told Cuomo that the council’s “idea of having a police-free future is very aspirational.”

“I agree that our number one priority is the safety of every single person in our community, and yes, we still have a police department today, we have had a police department for 150 years,” she said. “So as we look forward into the future, the answer is yes, absolutely, if something is happening, there needs to be someone to call.”

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Anthony Gockowski is managing editor of The Minnesota Sun and The Ohio Star. Follow Anthony on Twitter. Email tips to [email protected].
Photo “Lisa Bender” by CNN.







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4 Thoughts to “Minneapolis Council President Struggles to Explain Who Will Respond to Violent Crimes Without Police”

  1. CCW

    St. Louis had Ferguson I. Few years later recovered.
    Minneapolis had Ferguson II and it all seems to be coming apart.
    What is the difference?

  2. Sim

    Democrats win this coming election the Military will be next on their agenda to “Defund” to the point of being useless.

    The ignorance and stupidity of some people make me wonder how they ever managed to get through grade school without being labeled “Mentally Retared”.

    It appears the “Dumbing down” of school kinds we heard about a few years ago has finally matured into Politicians.

  3. Julie

    Democrats have been running cities like Minneapolis, Baltimore, Detroit, and Chicago for decades. Where is the promised utopia? If their model works anywhere, it would be areas they control. They are always angry and unsatisfied. What gives?

  4. Steve Allen

    How much longer are we going to put up with this kind of Leftist BS? Millions of dollars in damage has been done across America, peoples life’s work has been burned to the ground. This whole situation has been driven out of control by forces that want to destroy our America. How much longer are we going to just sit back and let our Nation be ruined? Now the Left wants to gut the method by which we run our elections so that they can cheat. We has Americans need to do some serious house cleaning and soon.
